Trematode parasites of Mullet from Misurata, Libya

Document Type : Original Article


1 Higher Institute of Medical Technology, Misurata, Libya

2 Department of Zoology ,Faculty of Science, 7 October University, Misurata, Libya


50 specimens of the Mullets Mugil cephalus were collected from the Libian coastal waters near Misurata city in Libya. 7 different species of trematodes isolated from the intestine of the mullets were briefly described. Haploporus benedenii, Haploporus lateralis, Lecithobotryes putrescens, Saccocoelium tensum, Saccocoelium gohari, Haplosplanchnus caudatus and Haplosplanchnus pachysomus. It is worthy to mention that, the present work is reported for the first time in Libya


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